King-Meiler- Winter tyres UG4
[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

[Translate to English:] DIN ISO 9001:2015

DIN ISO 9001:2015
DIN ISO 9001:2015

The UG4 - designed to be used on ice/snow. Its zig-zag sipes and gripping tread blocks generate excellent traction on snowy roads. Excellent performance on dry roads as well. Safety even in aquaplaning situations.



195/70 R15C 104/102R *

* With spike holes