Winter tyres “King Meiler Winter Tact”

The weather in winter requires that not only we, the humans, have special skills, but also poses extreme requirements for your vehicle and in particular for the tyres it uses. Especially when it’s cold, icy or snowy, we must be able to rely upon our tyres with no restrictions.

Braking distances are longer in winter conditions, curve stability is lower and the overall tyre grip is reduced. That’s why it’s extremely important to adjust the weather conditions accordingly during production.

Our special machines for winter tyres are “softer”and therefore provide greater grip, which thus results in increased safety. The profile is deeper and provided with more robust studs and sipes, in order to be able to “grab” the snow firmly.

In Germany, it is required by the law to use winter tyres in winter conditions. This means that who wants to participate in public traffic in winter conditions, must equip its vehicle with tyres that carry M+S symbol.

Tyres which bear the snowflake symbol in addition to M+S symbol were compared with standardised tyres with respect to winter properties by undergoing a unified test with defined criteria.

The “Snowflake carriers” have optimal properties for winter conditions both when accelerating and when braking on snow and ice - and by some 10% better than tyres without the snowflake symbol. In case of a damage suffered under winter conditions, the car insurance will check if the insured vehicle was equipped with appropriate tyres. If this is not the case, you would have to be ready for deductions during settlement of claims.

The BRV Bundesverband Reifenhandel und Vulkaniseur-Handwerk e. V. provides further details on this topic.

Further information.


[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The WT80 is characterised by excellent driving on snow. This is true for tracking + also for braking + acceleration. This is achieved thanks to…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The WT80+ tyre starts a new era of driving comfort during winter conditions. Honeycomb sipes already used in other profiles are optimised in these…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

[Translate to English:] EU-Reifenlabel

[Translate to English:] EU-Reifenlabel
Das für PKW-Neureifen vorgeschriebene EU-Reifenlabel zeigt Messwerte in 3 Kategorien

Kraftstoffeffizienz/Rollwiderstand (A bis G)
Nasshaftung (A bis G)
externes Rollgeräusch

und gibt damit Aufschluss über die Aspekte Sicherheit, wirtschaftliche Vorteile und Wirkung auf die Umwelt. Für Neureifen Pflicht, für uns Kür: Wir unterziehen unsere King-Meiler dem freiwilligen Produktlabeling in Anlehnung an die ECE R-117. Im Resultat wird sichtbar, dass mit dem Einsatz von Runderneuerten ausschließlich Energie- und Materialressourcen gespart werden. Die Sicherheit bleibt jederzeit gewahrt und unseren hohen Produktionsstandards.

Klick für das Label in großer Ansicht

The WT81 - very good driving characteristics in winter conditions. Break contacts between thicker sipes enable an increased snow removal. herefore, a…

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WT83 Plus

[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The new WT83 Plus tyres offer improved braking even on snow. Thanks to a large number of blocks in the shoulder area with more gripping edges. High…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The new WT84. Excellent grip on roads exposed to winter conditions and short braking distance on wet roads. Perfect vehicle handling in curves. Good…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The WT90 impresses by its very good driving characteristics on snow, ice + wet roads. Excellent braking properties + handling on dry roads.…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

The HKPL2 offers the best traction thanks to its arrowhead tread design (improved lateral traction), drives water/snow/mush off excellently. Optimal…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The KMALP ensures safe braking and handling in curves when roads are wet as well as excellent traction on snow. High performance up to the wear limit…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The NF3 for extreme winter conditions. Durable tread with excellent grip! The sipes provide particular braking and acceleration advantages on…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The NF5 - for extreme winter conditions. Durable tread for excellent grip. Spikes holes for optimal handling on ice. Braking and acceleration…

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Snow+Ice - SUV/4x4

[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] Prüflabor Nord

The "Prüflabor Nord" [direct translation: Test Laboratory Nord] accredited by the "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt" [Federal Motor Vehicle Office] and the "RDW" proves King-Meiler tyres a quality laying above the legal requirements of the ECE 108R and offering tremendous safety in reserve. Owing to extense tests recurring annually King-Meiler tyres carry the quality seal "Approved High Quality Tyres".

Link to certificate

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The Snow+Ice ensures high safety when driving on wet/snowy roads. Large edge lengths of tread blocks break through the water film for optimal water…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The UG4 - designed to be used on ice/snow. Its zig-zag sipes and gripping tread blocks generate excellent traction on snowy roads. Excellent…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The HPC is really an all-round talent for all weather conditions. Its profile structure makes it a pro on or around the roads.

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Snow+Ice - Transporter

[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The Snow+Ice ensures high safety when driving on wet/snowy roads. Large edge lengths of tread blocks break through the water film for optimal water…

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[Translate to English:] ECE 108

The ECE certificate awarded by KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt - Federal Motor Vehicle and Transport Authority)
authorises the manufacturer of “King Meiler” to produce pneumatic tyres and allows international comparison of compliance with uniform technical requirements. The number issued for this is specific and cannot be interchanged. Many facts can be seen on the ECE number: Number “1” next to “E” indicates the country in which the tests have been carried out. Supplementary “108” indicates that these tyres are retreaded and intended to be used in motor vehicles, i.e. passanger cars and their trailers, while “109” indicates that these tyres are intended to be used in utility vehicles and their trailers.

[Translate to English:] Schneeflocke im Berg

Snowflake symbol (Alpine symbol)
The symbol “Snowflake in the mountain” (Alpine symbol), in English: Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake (3PMSF), is awarded by American road service NHTSA and indicates the tyres which are characterised by better traction on snow and ice, verified in a test in which they are compared with reference tyres. Tyres carrying this symbol are tested in a standardised and worldwide recognised test procedures for their performance on ice and must fulfil the minimum requirements prescribed. These tyres are characterised by excellent performance - with respect to safety and handling - on roads exposed to winter conditions, such as: snow, icy roads and low temperatures.

[Translate to English:] M+S

[Translate to English:] M+S-Symbol („Mud and Snow“)
In Deutschland besteht – auch für im Ausland zugelassene Fahrzeuge – die sogenannte situative Winterreifenpflicht. Demzufolge sind mit „M+S“ gekennzeichnete Winter- sowie Ganzjahresreifen bei winterlichen Verhältnissen obligatorisch.

Verstöße werden mit Bußgeldern und auch 1 Punkt im Bundeszentralregister in Flensburg geahndet. Weitreichendere Folgen können sich im – auch nicht selbstverursachten – Schadenfall seitens der Kfz-Versicherung ergeben. Im Zweifelsfall wäre der Fahrzeugführer nachweispflichtig, dass eine Abweichung von der vorschriftsmäßigen Bereifung nicht ursächlich für den entstandenen Schaden war.

Am Ende bestünde zudem immer das erhöhte Risiko einer Gefährdung für die Gesundheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmer.

The Snow+Ice2 ensures high safety when driving on wet/snowy roads. Large edge lengths of tread blocks break through the water film for optimal water…

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