As a company involved in the manufacturing industry, we see ourselves not only as a representative of an industry field, but feel increasingly able and obligated to be a role model as well. This obligation also means a great opportunity that we want to exercise at different levels. One of these areas covers the support of talents and newcomers in their respective speciality.
Sometimes, the term “sponsorship” is confused with the term “donation”. It would be far more appropriate to associate the latter with “social engagement”.
The tyre retreading activity suggests the connection to the world of vehicles. In principle, most various fields are taken into consideration for sponsoring. The mutual benefits which should result from a sponsorship deal are crucial. Support to an appropriate extent by the sponsor in favour of sponsored teams, persons, companies etc., for the basis for this.
This type of contract with mutual obligations thus includes return services as well. The recipient of the services can contribute in many ways to a successful outcome of the association.
Above all, the sponsor should be represented in the public positively in accordance with its field of activity. In the manufacturing sector, it can, of course, look completely different than for example in the field of services.
One of the most important components of the marketing is to determine what regular or at least different schedules to appoint for press release. The respective target group is best approached with the aid of cross media. A comprehensive outcome can thus be achieved through diversification across a wide variety of channels .
Reifen Hinghaus GmbH now ventures despite and even with regard to the ecological aspect into the motor sport at a level outside of the usual events.
It may be expected with a certain tension, where the journey of sponsorship goes. Here and in our picture gallery and on our Facebook profile, we keep you informed of the sponsored teams.